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Skytrail voluntary slavery and human trafficking statement


Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. Skytrail opposes slavery and human trafficking in all its forms and is committed to the best corporate practices and ethical values. This statement sets out the steps we have taken to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business or our supply chains.

We are making this voluntary statement to show that we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We do this by implementing and enforcing appropriate policies and procedures to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains.

About us

Skytrail is a leading flight broker and seat wholesaler who works with various airlines to offer the full spectrum of aircraft chartering options. Our highly experienced team specialises in negotiating capacity on a broad range of aircraft to suit a variety of business needs.

Our supply chains mainly consist of airlines operating the flights we offer and companies providing professional services such as IT, legal and accountancy. These are companies that must adhere to the regulations and requirements applicable to their own sectors and businesses. We consider that the nature of the services we provide and suppliers we work with (including the extent to which they are regulated in the UK), means the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain is low.

Our policies and procedures

We are committed to ethical trading principles. Skytrail operates the following policies and procedures.

Skytrail ensures that appropriate checks are undertaken for all its employees prior to the commencement of their employment. This includes a review of their right to work documentation to confirm staff are legally entitled to work in the UK and are freely entering into employment with us.

All members of our staff have a written employment contract. They understand and adhere to an employee code of conduct to uphold high standards of ethical behaviour.

We provide training to our employees to ensure that they have an appropriate understanding and awareness of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.

We have internal systems in place to allow staff to report any concerns relating to modern slavery both internally and within our supply chains.

In order to mitigate and manage any risk exposure, Skytrail undertakes appropriate due diligence checks both internally and within supply chains to ensure that all employees and suppliers we work with are committed to ethical trading practices. These checks are repeated regularly to ensure high standards of conduct are maintained.

Skytrail has not conducted any business with any organisation that has been found to be associated with modern slavery.

Our commitment

Skytrail are committed to continuous improvement and development in our policies and practices to identify modern slavery and human trafficking risks within our business and supply chains, and to mitigate those risks where possible.

Further steps

On an annual basis, we will review the effectiveness of the steps we have taken during the year to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain and to identify any additional steps we intend to take to combat slavery and human trafficking.

This voluntary slavery and human trafficking statement is made for the financial year ending 30 September 2024. It was approved by the board on 01 October 2023.

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Skytrail is the only approved partner for easyJet aircraft charters and series seats. We manage the business on a day-to-day basis, co-ordinating bookings between the airline and valued customers.